
Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank deepens AlphaFlow process application

Author: AlphaFlow Team Time: 2023-07-19 Views: 106

The digital transformation of commercial banks is a gradual and challenging process. In this issue, the editor shares with you the customer case of Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank. This is a local financial institution headquartered in Fuyang. From April 2016 to now, it has been cooperating with Econage continuously and stably for 8 years.

Recently, Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank and Econage Technology signed a contract again to deepen the application of AlphaFlow process management platform.

Introduction to Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank

Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank was established on May 18, 2015. It was restructured from Zhejiang Fuyang Rural Cooperative Bank with a registered capital of 909 million yuan. At present, there are more than 930 employees, 13 management departments in the head office, and 74 business outlets under its jurisdiction. The institutional outlets surround the entire district and cover urban and rural areas.

Process scenario application

In April 2016, it was the first anniversary of the establishment of Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank. In the face of future business development, market demand changes rapidly, and banks are also thinking: How can we achieve information sharing and efficient collaboration among various departments, branches and outlets within the bank? Further enhance the bank's competitiveness, optimize customer experience, and reduce operating costs.

Therefore, Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank introduced the AlphaFlow process management platform, hoping to deepen the goal of unified management by building a unified process platform, comprehensively improve the business process automation capabilities, and empower the efficient development of banking business.

1. Unified process platform to improve management efficiency

Banking business processes are particularly complex. Various types of businesses such as online mortgage business orders, loan application grace period adjustments, and financial terminal network applications all cover multiple links and many participants, and each link needs to go through strict review and re-examination procedures, which have extremely high requirements for the quality and efficiency of the process.

The unified process operation management center established by Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank through AlphaFlow has achieved unified operation, simulation, integration and monitoring of 9 categories and hundreds of processes across the bank. The unified standard requirements for the bank's business processes, multi-terminal collaborative approval, and online intelligent circulation effectively avoid the problems of data incommunicability and business fragmentation caused by decentralized construction. It truly realizes the "ecological level" process management and operation of the whole bank, and effectively promotes the open sharing and collaborative cooperation of resources, business, capabilities and other elements between the bank and its ecological partners.

2. The whole process of work is online, and the circulation is efficient

For the financial industry, the procedural nature of the sending and receiving of official documents needs to be strictly restricted in the process of writing, issuing and receiving documents. Traditional paper management requires a lot of manpower and time from drafting to issuing, which not only cannot guarantee efficiency, but also easily leaks information. When encountering cross-organizational and cross-line documents, manual transmission is required. The entire circulation process cannot be supervised and the effectiveness cannot be guaranteed. Through the AlphaFlow BPA process operation platform, Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank has achieved unified management of various official documents such as superiors' letters, internal notifications, and branch documents.

● Integrated document management, unified writing format, circulation path, file confidentiality, document type, contact person, and approver online selection, with each department responsible for its own duties, coordinated and cooperative, to ensure the smooth implementation of government orders.

● Intelligent document receipt management, knowing when the document arrives, and clearly recording the approval opinions of each node. Official documents can be quickly issued as required, tasks can be transferred with one click, and various sections can cooperate and execute easily, and the documents can be automatically archived.

Unified work portal, work exhibition focus management

Notices, latest documents, bank dynamics, digital reform dynamics, superior letters, branch/department dynamics, red party building and other information modules are quickly built and displayed through the Econage BPD low-code platform, effectively breaking through the information barriers between departments and various business lines. Intelligent push allows employees to easily obtain information that matches their roles within their authority, helping employees in the bank to work efficiently.

Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank is a successful case of Econage in the financial field. In subsequent cooperation, we will be driven by processes and continue to help Fuyang Rural Commercial Bank develop its process ecology, becoming an important support for its core competitiveness.

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