
Digital challenges facing the automotive industry

Digital challenges facing the automotive industry
Digital challenges facing the automotive industry

Digital construction requirements for the automotive manufacturing industry

Digital R&D

By integrating software and hardware development, we can realize "software-defined cars". In addition, through the digitization of R&D processes, R&D knowledge, and R&D tools, we can achieve collaborative R&D inside and outside the enterprise and quickly break the iteration cycle of new cars.

Digital production

Through technologies such as the Internet of Things, AI, VR, etc., we optimize automobile manufacturing links such as production scheduling, logistics management, energy consumption management, safety management, and quality inspection.

Digital management

Build a digital management platform for automobile companies to manage processes, maximize the use of data assets, break down fragmentation, and achieve a unified, open, scalable, closed-loop integrated architecture.

Digital supply chain

In response to the problems of inflexible execution, low business efficiency and data fragmentation in the traditional automotive supply chain, digital technology can be effectively integrated with business flows, breaking through information silos and achieving full traceability of production, supply, sales, after-sales and recycling.

Digital Marketing

By enriching the digital touchpoints in the user's car-purchasing path and building a collaborative online and offline marketing system, we can acquire users more efficiently and at a lower cost.

Digital R&D

Digital production

Digital management

Digital supply chain

Digital Marketing