
WZ Group

Author: Time: 2023-04-09 Views: 109

This large state controlled listed company has many heterogeneous systems within its subsidiaries. AlphaFlow iPaaS integration platform swiftly resolves this problem, reducing the error rate of processes group-wide.

WZ Group

WZ Group Co., Ltd. (600704.SH), formerly known as Zhejiang Provincial Materials Bureau, is a large state-controlled listed company in the province, with more than 400 member units, more than 20,000 employees, and its business scope covers about 90 countries and regions around the world.

Pain points and challenges

1. The systems within WZ group are separated, and the enterprise data is fragmented

The group system has many heterogeneous systems, resulting in not only the formation of information islands in the IT system, but also inconsistent data standard acrosss systems. Iis difficult for various departments to work together. The maintenance cost is also high.

2. The integration demand is large, and the boundary needs to be further opened

With the increase of applications, the point-to-point integration complexity of systems and system homes is getting higher and higher, including OA, SAP and expense control reimbursement systems and other applications often need to be integrated with other systems, and integration scenarios will become more complex, requiring stronger integration management capabilities.

3. API interfaces are more and more and change frequently

At present, API interface integration based on RESTFul and Web Service = has become the mainstream way of integration, and a unified APIg management platform is required to manage the whole life cycle of APIs from registration, release, version, and update.

Project value

1. Eliminate information silos

The powerful integration capabilities of the AlphaFlow iPaaS integration platform help Wusan Zhongda Group realize the interconnection of heterogeneous systems, cross-organization applications, data and APIs, and comprehensively eliminate data and information silos.

2. Integrated visualization

The API management platform provides real-time feedback, statistics, and analysis of daily visits, project access, access to various types of APIs, and the number of requests and QPS, so that the integration situation can be clearly clarified, explained, and seen.

3. Improve the utilization of IT resources

Improve IT resource utilization. The implementation of the iPaaS integrated middle office project has realized the decoupling of the group's IT capabilities from various subsystems, greatly reducing the dependence on the original system factory, and quickly building new services based on key business capabilities will reduce duplicate development and further improve the utilization of existing IT resources.

4. Improve the value of API interfaces

Increase the value of APIs. The AlphaFlow iPaaS integration platform realizes the full lifecycle management of APIs, improves the reusability of API assets, comprehensively improves IT management capabilities for APIs, and greatly reduces the error rate of API calls.

About WZ Group

WZ Group Co., Ltd. (600704.SH), formerly known as Zhejiang Provincial Materials Bureau, is a large state-controlled listed company in the province, with more than 400 member units, more than 20,000 employees, and its business scope covers about 90 countries and regions around the world.

In 2021, the total operating income will be 562.538 billion yuan. Since 2011, it has been listed in the world's top 500 for 12 consecutive years, and in 2014, it became the first local circulation enterprise with double AAA subject credit rating in China, and in 2017, it ranked first in the competitiveness ranking of listed companies in the national process industry and won the title of "Top Ten Leading Enterprises in Four Strong Provinces". It is one of the twelve samples of state-owned enterprise reform of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

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