

Author: Time: 2023-04-09 Views: 109

As a juggernaut in the global medical devices industry, Terumo once again join hands with Econage, refining their business process in the key strategic region.


Terumo Medical Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a company established in 2003 in Shanghai, China to promote and expand the operation of Terumo products in Chinese mainland. Terumo Shanghai is mainly responsible for the import and sales of Terumo products throughout the Chinese mainland.

History of cooperation

In 2016, he first joined hands with Econage. From Terumo Hangzhou to Terumo Shanghai, 6 years of pragmatic cooperation has been continuously expanded and deepened, helping Telmo to deepen its cultivation in the Chinese market.

Project demand drivers

Agile operation to escort strategic implementation.

The Chinese market is the number one strategic market of Terumo Group, and in order to build an agile and competitive organization, Terumo Group management decided to continue to expand the application breadth and depth of the process management platform to help the business development to a new level.

About Terumo

Terumo Corporation, the "global medical device giant", was founded in 1921 by Shibazaburo Kitasato, the father of modern Japanese medicine and a Japanese Nobel Prize nominee.

In 2021, Terumo celebrated its 100th birthday with the concept of "contributing to society through medical care" and took a new step towards the next century. In the past 100 years, Terumo has developed many products and provided more than 50,000 products and services for people in more than 160 countries and regions. Terumo's 100-year history is a journey of progress with the global medical industry.

The Chinese market is Terumo Group's number one strategic market, with a double-digit compound annual growth rate over the past 20 years, making it one of the fastest growing regions in the world.

Pain points and challenges

1. The process is scattered and there is no unified entrance. The existing funding system, budget system, and material management system are independent and scattered, and the related business between departments cannot be handled uniformly, and cross-departmental and cross-organizational process coordination cannot be realized.

2. Traditional offline process, long process online cycle. Many processes are still run offline in the traditional way, and code development is required to go online, which takes a long time and has high maintenance costs.

3. The process is manual and has a low degree of automation. The existing process links rely on manual operation, and the process system is low in automation, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and prone to errors.

4. Isolated process, difficult to share data. Each subsystem has independent data, and there is a lack of a unified data platform foundation within the group.

Core application scenarios

1. Unified portal, efficient process coordination

Unified and real-time process management entrance, aggregation and reorganization of information resources of each center, people-centered and accurate collaboration, and improvement of the operation efficiency of each center of the group.

2. Zero-code process configuration, the process is quickly launched

WYSIWYG process modeling tools for business personnel, do not require IT code development, greatly reduce IT process development and operation and maintenance costs.

3. Chinese and Japanese bilingual process interface, user experience greatly improved

The bilingual interface not only meets the "cross-border" business needs of Telmao, but also closely follows its "localization" development strategy in the Chinese market.

4. Flexible integration, quick connection to various systems of the group.

The fully open and scalable iPaaS integration platform integrates with the original material management system, funding system, budget system, SCCM, SAP, DMS and other systems to open up data and help Telmo build its own all-round application platform.

Solutions and values

1. The automation of the Group's operation and management has been greatly improved, and as of June 2022, a total of more than one million process instances have been initiated.

2. Full-process management system, more than 200 process templates help Telmo realize cross-company, cross-department, cross-application online operation, standardization and automation degree greatly improved, reduce costs and improve efficiency.

3. Efficient operation, the overall process management of the group presses the "accelerator button", the average approval time of each process link is 20 hours, and the average time taken from initiation to approval completion is 3.5 days.

Article Tag: BPM